226 research outputs found

    Survey on the occurrence of Brachyspira species and Lawsonia intracellularis in children living on pig farms

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    The occurrence of Brachyspira species and Lawsonia intracellularis was investigated by PCR analyses of faeces from 60 children living on European pig farms. In addition, 60 other children were included as controls. Two samples were positive for B. aalborgi but B. pilosicoli and L. intracellularis were not demonstrate

    Massaal voorkomen van Obolodiplosis robiniae (Diptera: Cecidomyidae), een nieuwe galmugsoort voor Nederland

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    Galinsecten zijn doorgaans trage volgers van hun waardplanten wanneer deze door de mens naar andere arealen worden overgebracht. Om die reden laten veel gallenzoekers exoten links liggen – er is immers toch niets op te vinden. Resultaten is wel dat hierdoor nieuwe vondsten te laat kunnen worden opgemerkt. Zo kon het gebeuren dat een paar maanden geleden op de oorspronkelijk uit Amerika afkomstige Robinia pseudoacacia in verbazend grote aantallen de Nearctische galmuggensoort Obolodiplosis robiniae werd aangetroffen in de tuin van een van de auteurs. Vervolgens gingen de auteurs op zoek en werd de galg verspreid over heel Nederland aangetroffe

    Self-healing in B12P2 through Mediated Defect Recombination

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    Citation: Self-healing in B12P2 through Mediated Defect Recombination. S. P. Huber, E. Gullikson, C. D. Frye, J. H. Edgar, R. W. E. van de Kruijs, F. Bijkerk, and D. Prendergast. Chemistry of Materials 28 8415--8428 (2016) 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b04075The icosahedral boride B12P2 has been reported to exhibit “self-healing” properties, after transmission electron microscopy recordings of sample surfaces, which were exposed to highly energetic particle beams, revealed little to no damage. In this work, employing calculations from first-principles within the density functional theory (DFT) framework, the structural characteristics of boron interstitial and vacancy defects in B12P2 are investigated. Using nudged elastic band simulations, the diffusion properties of interstitial and vacancy defects and their combination, in the form of Frenkel defect pairs, are studied. We find that boron icosahedra maintain their structural integrity even when in a degraded state in the presence of a vacancy or interstitial defect and that the diffusion activation energy for the recombination of an interstitial vacany pair can be as low as 3 meV, in line with the previously reported observation of “self-healing”

    Natuurkwaliteit Drentse vennen opnieuw gemeten : bijna een eeuw ecologische veranderingen

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    In 2010-2011 zijn in 18 Drentse vennen inventarisaties uitgevoerd van beĂŻnvloeding en beheer, waterstandsfluctuaties, waterchemie, vegetatie, kiezelwieren, sieralgen en macrofauna. De resultaten worden vergeleken met die van vergelijkbare inventarisaties in 1990 – 1994 en 2003. In de afgelopen dertig jaar is de kwaliteit van de onderzochte vennen aanzienlijk toegenomen, vooral door de afname van verzurende atmosferische depositie, maar ook door maatregelen tegen eutrofiĂ«ring zoals het uitbaggeren van vennen en het bestrijden van meeuwenkolonies. Ook anti-verdrogingsmaatregelen hebben rendement opgeleverd. Gemiddeld is de kwaliteit van de vegetatie, sieralgen en kiezelwieren nu even goed als of zelfs beter dan in de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw. In de meeste vennen is de kwaliteit van de macrofauna sinds begin jaren negentig niet vooruitgegaan, mogelijk door het slechte koloniserende vermogen van veel macrofaunasoorten, de zuurstofarme waterbodem met toxische zwavelverbindingen en een eventuele ontoereikende omgevingskwaliteit van de vennen. In sommige vennen draagt externe belasting door overnachtende ganzen bij tot eutrofiĂ«ring. In vennen waar dat niet het geval is treedt soms interne eutrofiĂ«ring op. Door stijging van de pH door afname van verzuring wordt organische stof uit het sediment gemineraliseerd en komen voedingsstoffen vrij in de waterlaag. Vooral in de laatste vijf jaar heeft dat tot achteruitgang van de kwaliteit van algen en macrofauna geleid. Er worden aanbevelingen voor beheer en onderzoek gedaan, zoals het continueren van het huidige beheer, aangevuld met het opnieuw graven van veenputten in dichtgroeiende vennen, het beperken van de invloed van ganzen en grazende runderen en het voorkĂłmen van invasies van exoten. Om de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen en beheer in de toekomst te blijven volgen wordt aanbevolen het onderzoek in alle vennen elke 10-12 jaar te herhalen, aangevuld met frequentere monitoring in een klein aantal vennen

    Detection of defect populations in superhard semiconductor boron subphosphide B12P2 through X-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    Citation: Detection of defect populations in superhard semiconductor boron subphosphide B12P2 through X-ray absorption spectroscopy. S. P. Huber, E. Gullikson, J. Meyer-Ilse, C. D. Frye, J. H. Edgar, R. W. E. van de Kruijs, F. Bijkerk, and D. Prendergast J. Mater. Chem. A 5 5737--5749 (2017) 10.1039/c6ta10935gRecent theoretical work has shown for the first time how the experimentally observed property of “self-healing” of the superhard semiconductor boron subphosphide (B12P2) arises through a process of mediated defect recombination. Experimental verification of the proposed mechanism would require a method that can detect and distinguish between the various defect populations that can exist in B12P2. X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) is such a method and in this work we present experimentally collected spectra of B12P2samples with varying crystalline qualities. By simulating the X-ray spectroscopic signatures of potential crystallographic point defects from first-principles within the density functional theory framework, the presence of defect populations can be determined through spectroscopic fingerprinting. Our results find an increasing propensity for the presence of phosphorus vacancy defects in samples deposited at lower temperatures but no evidence for comparable populations of boron vacancies in all the samples that have been studied. The absence of large amounts of boron vacancies is in line with the “self-healing” property of B12P2

    Angular and energy dependence of ion bombardment of Mo/Si multilayers

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    The process of ion bombardment is investigated for the fabrication of Mo/Si multilayer x-ray mirrors using e-beam evaporation. The ion treatment is applied immediately after deposition of each of the Si layers to smoothen the layers by removing an additional thickness of the Si layer. In this study the parameters of Kr+ ion bombardment have been optimized within the energy range 300 eV-2 keV and an angular range between 20 degrees and 50 degrees. The optical performance of the Mo/Si multilayers is determined by absolute measurements of the near-normal-incidence reflectivity at 14.4 nm wavelength. The multilayer structures are analyzed further with small-angle reflectivity measurements using both specular reflectivity and diffuse x-ray scattering. The optimal smoothening parameters are obtained by determining the effect of ion bombardment on the interface roughness of the Si layer. The optimal conditions are found to be 2 keV at 50 degrees angle of incidence with respect to the surface. These settings result in 47% reflectivity at 85 degrees (lambda = 14.4 nm) for a 16-period Mo/Si multilayer mirror, corresponding to an interface roughness of 0.21 nm rms. Analysis shows that the interface roughness is determined by ion induced viscous flow, an effect which increases with ion energy as well as angle of incidence. In order to determine the effect of intermixing of the Si and Mo atoms, the penetration depth of the Kr+ ions is calculated as a function of ion energy and angle of incidence. Furthermore, the angular dependence of the etch yield, obtained from the in situ reflectivity measurements, is investigated in order o determine the optimal ion beam parameters for the production of multilayer mirrors on curved substrates. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Relation between composition and fracture strength in off-stoichiometric metal silicide free-standing membranes

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    In this work, we investigated the influence of composition on the polycrystalline structure, elastic properties and fracture strength, of ZrxSi1-x, NbxSi1-x, and MoxSi1-x free-standing thin films that were deposited by magnetron sputtering and subsequently annealed at 500 °C. Despite deviations from the stoichiometric composition, the crystalline structure of all films, except for the most Zr-rich ZrxSi1-x, corresponded to their respective stoichiometric disilicide structures, without the formation of a second-phase. Off-stoichiometry was found to be accompanied by the presence of lattice defects and a decrease of the grain size, which bring about a lower tensile stress in the films. The dependence of the fracture strength on the composition was remarkably similar for the three silicides, with the lowest and highest strength values occurring for samples with 30% and 37–40% of metal content, respectively. The observed dependence of strength on composition was attributed to the combination of the Hall-Petch effect, changes in the morphology and strength of grain boundaries, and the enhancement of crystal plasticity due to lattice defects induced by off-stoichiometry

    A simple model to quantitatively account for periodic outbreaks of the measles in the Dutch Bible Belt

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    In the Netherlands there has been nationwide vaccination against the measles since 1976. However, in small clustered communities of orthodox Protestants there is widespread refusal of the vaccine. After 1976, three large outbreaks with about 3000 reported cases of the measles have occurred among these orthodox Protestants. The outbreaks appear to occur about every twelve years. We show how a simple Kermack-McKendrick-like model can quantitatively account for the periodic outbreaks. Approximate analytic formulae to connect the period, size, and outbreak duration are derived. With an enhanced model we take the latency period in account. We also expand the model to follow how different age groups are affected. Like other researchers using other methods, we conclude that large scale underreporting of the disease must occur

    Genome-wide association and functional studies identify a role for matrix Gla protein in osteoarthritis of the hand

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    Objective Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and the leading cause of disability in the elderly. Of all the joints, genetic predisposition is strongest for OA of the hand; however, only few genetic risk loci for hand OA have been identified. Our aim was to identify novel genes associated with hand OA and examine the underlying mechanism. Methods We performed a genome-wide association study of a quantitative measure of hand OA in 12 784 individuals (discovery: 8743, replication: 4011). Genome-wide significant signals were followed up by analysing gene and allele-specific expression in a RNA sequencing dataset (n=96) of human articular cartilage. Results We found two significantly associated loci in the discovery set: at chr12 (p=3.5 × 10⁻Âč⁰) near the matrix Gla protein (MGP) gene and at chr12 (p=6.1×10⁻âč) near the CCDC91 gene. The DNA variant near the MGP gene was validated in three additional studies, which resulted in a highly significant association between the MGP variant and hand OA (rs4764133, Betameta=0.83, Pmeta=1.8*10⁻Âč⁔). This variant is high linkage disequilibrium with a coding variant in MGP, a vitamin K-dependent inhibitor of cartilage calcification. Using RNA sequencing data from human primary cartilage tissue (n=96), we observed that the MGP RNA expression of the hand OA risk allele was significantly lowercompared with the MGP RNA expression of the reference allele (40.7%, p<5*10⁻Âč⁶). Conclusions Our results indicate that the association between the MGP variant and increased risk for hand OA is caused by a lower expression of MGP, which may increase the burden of hand OA by decreased inhibition of cartilage calcification
